Frequently Asked Questions

What is MoneySmarts™?

We’re a lead generating and business building program for financial advisors using our income tax preparation and tax planning services. 

How do I fit this into my business?

Everyone has time to fit new business into their schedule. Every advisor should always be ready to accept new clients. We give you a step-by-step process with coaching and excellent marketing products to make it easy to attract new clients to your business.

What is the investment to join?

Our annual subscription fee varies depending on the level of service you desire which includes the cost of the preparation of your personal income tax return as well as unlimited access to our marketing material and technical support.  If you are affiliated with any one of our strategic partners, the annual subscription cost may be free or discounted.

How much are your services?

Our services are billed by the hour. Because you're a member of our service, we offer a lower hourly rate to our advisors. The cost of a return will depend upon the volume and complexity of information, the type of return to be filed and the number of states in which the returns must be filed.

How long does it take to get a return processed?

Our goal is to return our finished work product to you within 48 hours. Of course, there are sometimes circumstances which are beyond our control which can cause delivery time to be extended.

Do you file returns electronically?

Yes. All returns are prepared for electronic filing unless otherwise directed by the client or federal/state tax authority. We're registered in all 50 states for electronic filing.

How can I be sure that we can exchange information securely and that our client’s information is protected from identity theft?

We partnered with the leading secure web portal software developer to create our exclusive secure internet technology which meets or exceeds the federal standards as dictated by the United States Treasury.

How does the 2nd Opinion Report™ work? How much does it cost?

If you are affiliated with any of our strategic partners, the fee is $49.95. You submit your client's two most recent years of federal and state income tax returns. We review the returns for errors, omissions and missed opportunities as well as tax saving suggestions and sales/investment opportunities for you. You receive a written report signed by our CPA Team that you can share with your prospective client.

How do you market and sell this service?

We've developed multiple marketing tools to help you use our service to attract new clients. These tools include radio ads, print media ads, websites, drip email and more. View some of our marketing samples.

Can we mark up your fee to the client?

Yes. We do not control how much you charge your client for our services. We encourage all of our advisors to consider their local market conditions when determining their fee for the product.

What do you have for training to show me how this works?

We have multiple training options. You can choose personal on-site or telephone training for a fee or attend one of our many training webinars.  You can also see our videos on YouTube

What are successful agents doing to make this work for them?

Our most successful advisors choose the print media option in local publications (not with a major media market publication such as the New York Times) to advertise our 2nd Opinion Service™.  The agents who are successful keep in close contact with their clients personally with phone calls, emails and mailings.

Does MoneySmarts™ prepare business and corporate returns as well as personal?

We prepare all federal, state and local income tax returns including corporations, limited liability corporations, limited liability partnerships, partnerships and trusts and estates. Our service is registered in all 50 states. We even have strategic relationships for international tax preparation and consulting.

What other services does MoneySmarts™ provide?

We are full service company that offers every service that you’d expect from a local CPA firm. Our other services include:

  • Cloud-based payroll service for $39.95/mo.
  • Financial statement preparation
  • Budgeting & forecasting
  • Estate planning
  • Accounting and bookkeeping services
  • Audit representation
  • Business strategy development
  • Manual & automated accounting systems
  • Business acquisition & disposition services